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Grow with the Changes


Great things were created in the ‘50s…

… Hopefully, your marketing strategy isn’t one of them! ‘Push Marketing’, the classic Madison Ave. marketing and advertising model, was an invention of the 1950’s. The order of the day was The Big Megaphone-’push’ strategies designed to tell consumers what to do, buy, and acquire.

Brands Are the New Paradigm

Where business was once conceptualized in terms of goods and services, it is now more organically framed as the art and science of creating and building brands. The Social Media Revolution has fueled this shift — a new kind of customer engagement can be realized when people cultivate a relationship with a brand as opposed to merely consuming goods and services.
With the Social Media Revolution, the Conversation has replaced the Megaphone — Have you made the shift?

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Suspendisse blandit ligula turpis, ac convallis risus fermentum non. Duis vestibulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vulputate lectus. Vestibulum eleifend nisl sed massa sagittis vestibulum. Vestibulum pretium blandit tellus, sodales volutpat sapien varius vel. Phasellus tristique cursus erat, a placerat tellus laoreet eget. Fusce vitae dui sit amet lacus rutrum convallis. Vivamus sit amet lectus venenatis est rhoncus interdum a vitae velit.

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